We believe that fostering effective change management benefits our clients and contributes to the overall improvement of the ecosystem and enhances our social well-being.

นพเกล้า กิจปานนท์

(Nopakraw Kijpanont)


Chief Executive Officer Certified ICF

(Leadership Coach)

23 Years of professional experience in…

Various business industries experiences…

    • International Consulting Firms
    • Insurance Partners [Life & Non-Life]
    • Large Corporations and SMEs in various industries
    • Etc.

Personal Pride & Honor Received

Successfully Delivered Business, New Capabilities and Transformation


“To be a trusted partner in the new beginning journey”


Too much change and uncertainty in the current business environment everywhere.

“Change management is essential for achieving
sustainable and exponential growth.”

We believe that fostering effective change management benefits our clients and contributes to the overall improvement of the ecosystem and enhances our social well-being.

Our Capabilities

People are a crucial component for achieving successful business transformation, we integrate our expertise in “Change Management” across all business modules

Potential Outcomes

Our practical approach assists organizations in “aligning strategies” to achieve impactful strategic outcomes for exponential growth.


  • Limiting strategic direction & alignment within the team.
  • Limiting to incorporating diverse perspectives [Communication, Internal Politic]
  • Limiting new ideas and industry insights
  • Facing experienced resource constraints.


Facilitating productive strategic dialogues to ensure that all key perspectives are considered and valuable insights are gained.

Utilizing our network & expertise to assist organizations in optimizing new & existing “business partnerships” to maximize full business partnership synergy.


  • Lacking closed collaboration.
  • Having different business perspectives due to limiting business knowledge & belief.
  • Having different focus-concern & management styles.
  • Having different level of commitment and different internal capabilities & constraints.


Synergizing strategic business development with change management methodologies has the potential to drive exponential growth.

Our holistic approach is integrating people change management in “data & technology transformation” to ensure the transformation’s success.


  • Undiscovering data & business use cases.
  • Lacking buy-in in some or across the organization.
  • Limiting communication and corporate politic challenge.  
  • Limiting new knowledge of data & technology and clearly new integration view.
  • Experienced Data & Technology& business resource constraints.


Integrating change management with data and technology enhancementsis crucial for achieving a successful transformation.

Our “organization development & culture transformation” approach integrates various methods for transforming individual mindsets through behaviors.


  • Unknow real productivity [lacking review or measure-ment]
  • People are emotionally detached at work.
  • Today’s work environment requires leaders to be more authentic, empathetic and adaptive.
  • Innovative, commercialized, collaborative staff make a competitive advantage but take time to build and make it become a corporate culture.


Our approach goes beyond generic training programs, actively fostering impactful interactions, behaviors, mindsets, and practical business assignments in action that drive significant benefits for our client’s daily operations.

Contact Us

The Adler Co.,Ltd